Posted by: Pastor Kyle | April 20, 2011

Power! Money! Betrayal!

Ever have a good friend who betrayed your trust?

I have. Ouch. While I have forgiven this religious individual and learned some valuable lessons, the pain was still there! Ouch! 

Here I thought I had a close friend in which we shared a common bond… Nope. Turns out he was much, much more interested in using me to climb the ladder of success for his own personal financial profit AND his own career gain. He got through me what he had wanted for years.

Yup. I admit it. I was naive. I really didn’t think a Jesus follower would do that. Turns out, he was and is more like Judas then Jesus.

Ouch again!

I have more stories I can tell…but there is a story you need to know if you haven’t heard it. It’s about Judas, one of Jesus’ closest friends. He actually followed and worked with Jesus for three and a half years. Not only that, Jesus trusted Judas for much of that time with the group’s money! (Lesson #1: Beware of your accountant? LOL!)

Today is Wednesday during what many call Holy Week. Traditionally this day was called “Spy Wednesday” for it was on this Wednesday before the crucifixion that Judas conspired to hand Jesus over. For this he was paid thirty pieces of silver (Mt. 26:14). How much was that in today’s dollars? Well, no one knows exactly, but it seems about $900 or so. However, the question really is how much could be purchased? With thirty pieces of silver, a small farm,  several year’s salary…or a potter’s field.

It was on this day that Judas ‘did the deal.’ Did Jesus know what he was doing? Of course. And how sad it must have made him. For this so-called friend was a major player in betraying Jesus to the authorities.

So what should you do with someone who betrays you? Two things.

1. Forgive them. On the cross, Jesus said: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

2. Don’t try to get even. Leave vengence to God. Jesus, speaking out of pain, said of Judas, “It would be better for this man had he never been born!” Wow. For His Maker to say that…not a good thing! Leave it to God to protect you and to care for you, His child. No one does it better….


PS. The rest of Jesus’ Wednesday includes Him likely spending the day in Bethany. In the evening Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus with costly perfumed oil. Judas objects but Jesus rebukes him and says Mary has anointed him for his burial! (Mt 26:6). The wicked religious people are besetting Jesus and plotting against him.

PPS. If you are in town, you are invited to Community Christian for our 7PM Good Friday service and our 11AM, Sunday Easter service. The address is 305 West Main Avenue in Morgan Hill.


  1. More stories tomorrow!

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